Sunday, April 19, 2009

Last few weeks

I made myself a little calender just after starting the exchange..

I broke down the weeks into categories... there were the first weeks, the school weeks/long haul, and there were the last weeks. Tomorrow is the start of the last weeks section.
I'm shocked at how fast time has passed here in France. I was expecting three months to seem much longer, but it doensn't fell like it has been that long at all.
These next two weeks are going to go by so fast... I only have one whole week of school left.
I've seen and done so much already. I'm really thankful for all that my host family has done for me. I am also proud of how much I have grown, and learned about myself, and france.

See you all soon :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Halfway !?

Next monday will be exactly halfway through the exchange.
I CANNOT believe how time is flying by !
I have already grown so much as a person, and I've come to realize how amazing this experience really is. I've learned so much about this new culture, and learned to appreciate the differences. I've learned to appreciate all the aspects of the Canadian culture too ! You never really do know what you have until you have to live without it.
I've learned so much about myself, and how I can express myself in a different language, in a situation where everything is foreign, and unfamilliar.
I've learned to adapt to differences, and embrace new experiences.

I look back to the 10th of Feburary, when I got here.
It's been a month and a bit.. But it doesnt feel like long at all !

Friday, February 27, 2009

School a la Nantais

SO, I've just finished my first week of school in France ! All in all it was a good week. I met lots of new people, and adapted to new routines. School in France is very different from school in Canada. Days are much longer.. (8-12 , 2-5 most days) and class schedules are different everyday. Also, instead of changing classes, we are in one room for the most of the day, and the teachers change rooms. You have the same people in all your classes here too.
Teachers are much more serious, and there are not many opportunities to talk during class.
Subject material is different too.. Math is not the same at ALL.
The week passed by really fast. I can't believe it's already the weekend !
Tomorrow I am going camping with a scout group. We are leaving Saturday afternoon, and coming back Sunday night.
That's all for now :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hey !
Its been two weeks already ! Time is flying by !
This past week I visited Paris with my host family. It was beautiful !
We saw the Eiffel Tower, Montmartre and the Sacre Coeur, the "Arc de Triomphe" and les Champs Elysees, and much much much more.
French food is amazing ! It is truly delicious. A specialty of Brittany are a different kind of crepe called a "Galette". It is made with a different kind of flour, so it differs in colour, texture and taste, but it is still great :) We can eat a galette with eggs, ham, vegeables.. anything really.

This week I'm starting school in France.. so we'll see how that goes ;)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Hey Everybody !

Alright, so I've decided to steal the blogging idea from Ann Woodhouse, a smartiepants :)
I made this blog because I'll be in France for three months, and so you can check out all my little adventures. It's a good way to let you all know what's goin' down on the other side of the ocean without sending the same email over and over.
I'm going to do my best to keep up with this, so check back often ;)
Have fun with this,